Shenzhen Lianmengyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 集成电路、芯片、存储芯片、功率集成电路、模块

Shenzhen Lianmengyuan Electronics Co.Ltd


Founded in 2004,we are is one of the world's leading distributorsof semiconductors and electronic components.
We have an experienced sales, R&D and manag-ement team with operations in more than 20 countries around
the world. Products involving consumer electronics, Internet of Things, new energy, communications, aviation
aut-omotive, medical, artificial intelligence and other application fields, in order to reduce costs, provi-de a
full range of one-stop electronic compone-nts supply chain solutions, It is the most compe-titive supplier for
global customers.

echo ZHU
Front desk of Shenzhen Lianmengyuan Electronics Co
Shenzhen Lianmengyuan Electronics Co., Ltd - Your Reliable Electronic Solution Partner.
Munich Electronics Fair
Whether you have a large enterprise, small or medium-sized business, or a personal project,
Munich Electronics Fair
LMY Electronic Components is ready to work with you to provide you with the best possible electronic solution.